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Gie Trieng

The Gie- Trieng have lived in Central Highland of Viet Nam and South of Laos for a long time ago. There are around 51,000 people (2009), living mainly in Kon Tum and mountainous areas of Quang Nam provinces.

Gie – Trieng includes 4 local groups: Gie, Trieng (T’rieng), Ve and Bnoong. Each local group has their own differences besides common language and culture. In Laos, Trieng and Gie ((Taliêng, Lavi) are recognized as 2 different ethnics, living in Sekong and Attapeu provinces. Gie – Trieng language belongs to Mon – Khmer.


The Gie Trieng relies on upland cultivation. Besides rice crop, which is one per year, they plant corn, taro, sweet potatoes, cassava, etc.


The Gie- Trieng follows both patrilineality and matrilineality. Sons follows father’s family name and daughter follows mother’s one.

The Gie Trieng’s belief is animism. They believe ceremony, sign and taboos. Their ceremony is usually celebrated with animal sacrifice, such as buffalo for “God of rice”, “God of thunder and lightning”, etc.

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