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E De

Ancestors of E De people lived in the Central Highland of Vietnam thousands year ago. Nowadays, E De has around 331,000 people (2009) and mainly lives in Dak Lak province, west of Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa. Ede community includes Kpa, Bih, Mthur, Adham, etc. Their language is under the category of Austronesian language group.
This is the group that remains clear matrilineality. E De people also cultivate on upland field. Nowadays, cash crop plays an important role in their economic life. Their famous cash products such as coffee, pepper, rubber, etc.
Under E De people belief, there are many good and bad gods in Heaven layer and Earth layer. Therefore, they celebrate many ceremonies for good rice crop, health, and safety during a year.
E De people have rich of cultural heritage. That is gong, music instrument, customs, oral folk literature, especially epics such as Dam San, Dam Kteh Mlan, Khing Juh, etc. 

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